A Central Repository of Freeze-Casting Data

Demonstrative SQL-Python/Jupyter notebook for utilization of the database

To utilize this notebook, you will need:

Python and Jupyter notebook (the 32-bit version of Python is sufficient for working with the database in its current form).

The following Python packages: matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and MySQLdb.

The database in SQL format, which is available here.

To import data via csv, an alternative form of this notebook is avaialble, here.

Bundled packages contianing most of the dependencies you will need can be obtained for free. The demonstrative notebook provided here was built using the Anaconda package, which includes the above packages. The Matplotlib extension, Basemap is needed to run the plot in Figure 2. The extension is not included in the Anaconda package. However, it may be installed via pip; corresponding lines of code are provided in the Figure 2 code block.

MySQL can be downloaded here.

Note: You may view the static, html format of the notebook here without installing Python.

Questions/concerns? Email:

Notebook set-up

In [1]:
# Enables inline-plot rendering
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = {'png', 'retina'}
# Utilized to create and work with dataframes
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib import rc
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter
from pylab import rcParams
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
import scipy.stats as stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
# For point density plots:
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import statsmodels.api as sm
# Set ipython's max row display
pd.set_option('display.max_row', 1000)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 2000)
In [2]:
# Specify matplotlib default plotting aesthetics 
def default_plotting():
    plt.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = '100'
    plt.rcParams['savefig.format'] = ('png')
    plt.rcParams[''] = 'Georgia'
    #plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 22
    plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 18
    plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 18
    plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 18
    plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 18
    #plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 12
    plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = 'black'
    plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'white'
    plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False
    plt.rcParams['axes.labelpad'] = 10
    plt.rcParams['axes.axisbelow'] = False
    #tick marks
    plt.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 7
    plt.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 7
    plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 3
    plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 3
    plt.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 1
    plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'
    plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'in'

Connect to MySQL database

In [3]:
import MySQLdb
#command-line arguments
import sys
In [4]:
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="hostname",
# Create proxy cursor to interact with the database
cursor = conn.cursor()

Data import

Each MySQL table is imported via independent SQL queries. To work with the database tables within Python, queried data is placed within dataframes using the pandas toolkit.

For purposes of demonstrating table linkage, we will import most of the database tables, merge them into a single panda dataframe, plot various relationships, and export select data columns to a csv file. However, it is not necessary to import all of the database tables, and in most cases, it is much more practical to import only tables containing variables of interest. The only mandatory imports for joining secondary tables are the "papers" and "samples" table.

Import and merge the following 'primary' tables: (i) authors, (ii) papers, (iii) samples.

The "authors" table provides contact information for the corresponding author, the "papers" table provides the data necessary for citing the data, and the "samples" table provides the "sample_ID" necessary for linking secondary tables.

In [5]:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM authors')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
authors = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
authors.rename(columns={0: 'author_ID', 1: 'name_author', 2:'affiliation',
                        3: 'city', 4: 'country', 5: 'long', 6: 'lat', 
                        7: 'email', 8: 'last_updated'},
               inplace = True);
# drop last_update column
authors = authors.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
# Author_ID is imported as float; change to integer data type
authors['author_ID'] = authors['author_ID'].astype('int')

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM papers')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
papers = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
# column names; i.e., variable names, can be changed below (just be sure to maintain order;
# see pandas documentation for reordering columns).
papers.rename(columns={0: 'paper_ID', 1: 'author_ID', 2:'peer_review',
                       3: 'usage', 4: 'authors', 5: 'title',
                       6: 'journal', 7: 'volume', 8: 'issue', 
                       9: 'pages', 10: 'year', 11: 'doi', 
                       12: 'material', 13: 'material_group',
                       14: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
# Drop last_updated column 
# --A last_updated column is contained within all tables; it is an automatic timestamp that
# shows the last time the corresponding row was updated. These columns are unnecessary here, 
# so we will drop the column from each table.
papers = papers.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
papers['year'] = papers['year'].astype('int')
papers['paper_ID'] = papers['paper_ID'].astype('int')

cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM samples')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
samples = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
samples.rename(columns={0: 'sample_ID', 1: 'paper_ID', 2: 'number', 3: 'material_ID', 
                       4: 'vf_total', 5: 'particles_total', 6: 'fluids_total',
                       7: 'composite', 8: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
# drop last_update column
samples = samples.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
samples['sample_ID'] = samples['sample_ID'].astype('int')

# Merge papers and authors tables to link corresponding author contact data
# --author_ID acts as primary key for authors table and foreign key for papers table
papers = pd.merge(papers, authors, on = 'author_ID', how = 'outer')

# Merge papers and samples table to link sample data to citation data
# --paper_ID acts as primary key for papers table and foreign key for samples table
samples = pd.merge(samples, papers, on = 'paper_ID', how = 'outer')

# Uncomment and run the following to verify column names and/or print the dataframe header

data = samples[(samples['sample_ID']) > 0]

Import secondary tables

Import suspension tables and merge with the dataframe

In [6]:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM suspension')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
suspension = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
suspension.rename(columns={0: 'suspension_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'time_mill', 
                       3: 'pH_susp', 4: 'viscosity_susp', 5: 'zeta_susp',
                       6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
# drop last_update column
suspension = suspension.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
# suspension_ID is a primary key for the suspension table; it is not needed here
suspension = suspension.drop('suspension_ID', axis = 1)
In [7]:
#-----FLUID TABLES-----#
# Fluid properties table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM props_fluids')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
props_fluids = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
props_fluids.rename(columns={0: 'props_fluid_ID', 1: 'name_fluid', 2: 'density_liq_fluid', 
                             3: 'density_sol_fluid', 4: 'thermal_cond_liq_fluid',
                             5: 'thermal_cond_sol_fluid', 6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
props_fluids = props_fluids.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
# Fluid 1 
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_fluid_1')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_fluid_1 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={0: 'fluid_1_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_fluid_ID', 
                       3: 'vf_fluid_1', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_fluid_1 = susp_fluid_1.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_fluid_1 = susp_fluid_1.drop('fluid_1_ID', axis = 1)
# Merge fluid properties table with fluid 1 table; 'props_fluid_ID' is primary key
# for the fluid properties table and foreign key for the susp_fluid_1 table.
susp_fluid_1 = pd.merge(props_fluids, susp_fluid_1, on = 'props_fluid_ID', how = 'outer')
# rename the 'props_fluid_id' and other property columns such that they can be differentiated for fluid 1 and fluid 2
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'props_fluid_ID':'props_fluid_ID1'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'name_fluid':'name_fluid1'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'density_liq_fluid':'density_liq_fluid1'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'density_sol_fluid':'density_sol_fluid1'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_liq_fluid':'thermal_cond_liq_fluid1'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_1.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_sol_fluid':'thermal_cond_sol_fluid1'}, inplace=True)

# Fluid 2
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_fluid_2')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_fluid_2 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={0: 'fluid_2_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_fluid_ID', 
                       3: 'vf_fluid_2', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_fluid_2 = susp_fluid_2.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_fluid_2 = susp_fluid_2.drop('fluid_2_ID', axis = 1)
susp_fluid_2 = pd.merge(props_fluids, susp_fluid_2, on = 'props_fluid_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'props_fluid_ID':'props_fluid_ID2'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'name_fluid':'name_fluid2'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'density_liq_fluid':'density_liq_fluid2'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'density_sol_fluid':'density_sol_fluid2'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_liq_fluid':'thermal_cond_liq_fluid2'}, inplace=True)
susp_fluid_2.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_sol_fluid':'thermal_cond_sol_fluid2'}, inplace=True)

# Merge fluids tables
fluids = pd.merge(susp_fluid_1, susp_fluid_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
fluids = fluids[(fluids['sample_ID']) > 0]

# Merge suspension table
suspension = pd.merge(fluids, suspension, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
In [8]:
# Particle properties table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM props_particles')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
props_particles = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
props_particles.rename(columns={0: 'props_part_ID', 1: 'name_part', 2: 'description_part', 
                             3: 'density_part', 4: 'thermal_cond_part',
                             5: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
props_particles = props_particles.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
# Particle 1 
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_part_1')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_part_1 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_part_1.rename(columns={0: 'particle_1_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_part_ID', 
                       3: 'shape_part_1', 4: 'dia_part_1', 5: 'diaI_part_1', 
                           6: 'length_part_1', 7: 'thick_part_1', 8: 'vf_part_1', 
                           9: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_part_1 = susp_part_1.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_part_1 = susp_part_1.drop('particle_1_ID', axis = 1)
# Merge particle properties table with particle 1 table; 'props_part_1' is primary key
# for the particle properties table and foreign key for the susp_part_1 table.
susp_part_1 = pd.merge(props_particles, susp_part_1, on = 'props_part_ID', how = 'outer')
# rename the 'props_part_id' column and other property columns such that it can be differentiated for particle 1 and particle 2
susp_part_1.rename(columns={'props_part_ID':'props_part_ID1'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_1.rename(columns={'name_part':'name_part1'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_1.rename(columns={'description_part':'description_part1'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_1.rename(columns={'density_part':'density_part1'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_1.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_part':'thermal_cond_part1'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_1 = susp_part_1[(susp_part_1['sample_ID']) > 0]

# Particle 2
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_part_2')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_part_2 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_part_2.rename(columns={0: 'particle_2_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_part_ID', 
                       3: 'shape_part_2', 4: 'dia_part_2', 5: 'diaI_part_2', 
                           6: 'length_part_2', 7: 'thick_part_2', 8: 'vf_part_2', 
                           9: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_part_2 = susp_part_2.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_part_2 = susp_part_2.drop('particle_2_ID', axis = 1)
# Merge particle properties table with particle 2 table; 'props_part_2' is primary key
# for the particle properties table and foreign key for the susp_part_2 table.
susp_part_2 = pd.merge(props_particles, susp_part_2, on = 'props_part_ID', how = 'outer')
# rename the 'props_part_id' column and other property columns such that it can be differentiated for particle 1 and particle 2
susp_part_2.rename(columns={'props_part_ID':'props_part_ID2'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_2.rename(columns={'name_part':'name_part2'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_2.rename(columns={'description_part':'description_part2'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_2.rename(columns={'density_part':'density_part2'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_2.rename(columns={'thermal_cond_part':'thermal_cond_part2'}, inplace=True)
susp_part_2 = susp_part_2[(susp_part_2['sample_ID']) > 0]

# Merge particle tables, then merge particle table with suspension table
particles = pd.merge(susp_part_1, susp_part_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(particles, suspension, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
In [9]:
# Additive properties table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM props_adds')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
props_adds = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
props_adds.rename(columns={0: 'props_add_ID', 1: 'name_add', 2: 'density_add', 
                       3: 'molecular_wt_add', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
props_adds = props_adds.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)

# Binder 1 
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_bind_1')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_bind_1 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_bind_1.rename(columns={0: 'bind_1_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_bind_1', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_bind_1 = susp_bind_1.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_bind_1 = susp_bind_1.drop('bind_1_ID', axis = 1)
susp_bind_1 = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_bind_1, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_bind_1.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_bind1_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_1.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_bind1'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_1.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_bind1'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_1.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_bind1'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_1 = susp_bind_1[(susp_bind_1['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Binder 2
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_bind_2')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_bind_2 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_bind_2.rename(columns={0: 'bind_2_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_bind_2', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_bind_2 = susp_bind_2.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_bind_2 = susp_bind_2.drop('bind_2_ID', axis = 1)
susp_bind_2 = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_bind_2, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_bind_2.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_bind2_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_2.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_bind2'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_2.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_bind2'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_2.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_bind2'}, inplace=True)
susp_bind_2 = susp_bind_2[(susp_bind_2['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Dispersant 1
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_disp_1')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_disp_1 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_disp_1.rename(columns={0: 'disp_1_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_disp_1', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_disp_1 = susp_disp_1.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_disp_1 = susp_disp_1.drop('disp_1_ID', axis = 1)
susp_disp_1 = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_disp_1, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_disp_1.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_disp1_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_1.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_disp_1'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_1.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_disp_1'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_1.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_disp_1'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_1 = susp_disp_1[(susp_disp_1['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Dispersant 2
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_disp_2')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_disp_2 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_disp_2.rename(columns={0: 'disp_2_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_disp_2', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_disp_2 = susp_disp_2.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_disp_2 = susp_disp_2.drop('disp_2_ID', axis = 1)
susp_disp_2 = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_disp_2, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_disp_2.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_disp2_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_2.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_disp2'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_2.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_disp_2'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_2.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_disp_2'}, inplace=True)
susp_disp_2 = susp_disp_2[(susp_disp_2['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Cryoprotectant
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_cryo')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_cryo = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_cryo.rename(columns={0: 'cryo_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_cryo', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_cryo = susp_cryo.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_cryo = susp_cryo.drop('cryo_ID', axis = 1)
susp_cryo = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_cryo, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_cryo.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_cryo_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_cryo.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_cryo'}, inplace=True)
susp_cryo.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_cryo'}, inplace=True)
susp_cryo.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_cryo'}, inplace=True)
susp_cryo = susp_cryo[(susp_cryo['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Surfactant
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_surfact')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
susp_surfact = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
susp_surfact.rename(columns={0: 'surfact_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
                       3: 'wf_surfact', 4: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
susp_surfact = susp_surfact.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
susp_surfact = susp_surfact.drop('surfact_ID', axis = 1)
susp_surfact = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_surfact, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
susp_surfact.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_surfact_ID'}, inplace=True)
susp_surfact.rename(columns={'name_add':'name_surfact'}, inplace=True)
susp_surfact.rename(columns={'density_add':'density_surfact'}, inplace=True)
susp_surfact.rename(columns={'molecular_wt_add':'molecular_wt_surfact'}, inplace=True)
susp_surfact = susp_surfact[(susp_surfact['sample_ID']) > 0]
In [10]:
# The following additive tables pertain mainly to the freeze gel-casting technique; uncomment and run to import
# Catalyst

#cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_catal')
#rows = cursor.fetchall()
#susp_catal = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
#susp_catal.rename(columns={0: 'catal_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
#                       3: 'wf_catal', 4: 'last_updated'},
#              inplace = True);
#susp_catal = susp_catal.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
#susp_catal = susp_catal.drop('catal_ID', axis = 1)
#susp_catal = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_catal, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
#susp_catal.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_catal_ID'}, inplace=True)
# Crosslinker
#cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_cross')
#rows = cursor.fetchall()
#susp_cross = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
#susp_cross.rename(columns={0: 'cross_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
#                       3: 'wf_cross', 4: 'last_updated'},
#              inplace = True);
#susp_cross = susp_cross.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
#susp_cross = susp_cross.drop('cross_ID', axis = 1)
#susp_cross = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_cross, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
#susp_cross.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_cross_ID'}, inplace=True)
# Initiator
#cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_init')
#rows = cursor.fetchall()
#susp_init = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
#susp_init.rename(columns={0: 'init_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
#                       3: 'wf_init', 4: 'last_updated'},
#              inplace = True);
#susp_init = susp_init.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
#susp_init = susp_init.drop('init_ID', axis = 1)
#susp_init = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_init, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
#susp_init.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_init_ID'}, inplace=True)
# Monomer
#cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM susp_mono')
#rows = cursor.fetchall()
#susp_mono = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
#susp_mono.rename(columns={0: 'mono_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'props_add_ID', 
#                       3: 'wf_mono', 4: 'last_updated'},
#              inplace = True);
#susp_mono = susp_mono.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
#susp_mono = susp_mono.drop('mono_ID', axis = 1)
#susp_mono = pd.merge(props_adds, susp_mono, on = 'props_add_ID', how = 'outer')
#susp_mono.rename(columns={'props_add_ID':'props_mono_ID'}, inplace=True)
In [11]:
# Merge suspension tables
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_bind_1, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_bind_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_disp_1, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_disp_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_cryo, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_surfact, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')

# Uncomment and run the code block below if freeze gel-casting additive tables were imported
#suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_catal_1, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
#suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_cross_1, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
#suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_init_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
#suspension = pd.merge(suspension, susp_mono, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')

# Merge suspension table with dataframe
data = pd.merge(suspension, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')

Import solidification, sublimation, and sintering tables, merging each group with the dataframe

In [12]:
# Main solidification table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM solidification')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
solidification = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
solidification.rename(columns={0: 'solidification_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'technique', 
                               3: 'direction', 4: 'refrigerant', 5: 'cooling_rate', 
                               6: 'temp_cold', 7: 'temp_hot', 8: 'temp_constant',
                               9: 'gravity', 10: 'gradient', 11: 'velocity', 
                               12: 'temp_nuc', 13: 'temp_susp', 14: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
solidification = solidification.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
solidification = solidification.drop('solidification_ID', axis = 1)

# Mold properties table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM props_mold')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
props_mold = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
props_mold.rename(columns={0: 'props_mold_ID', 1: 'name_mold_mat', 2: 'thermal_cond_mold', 
              inplace = True);
# Solidification mold table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM solidification_mold')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
solidification_mold = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
solidification_mold.rename(columns={0: 'mold_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'shape_mold', 
                                    3: 'dia_mold', 4: 'height_mold', 5: 'length_mold',
                                    6: 'width_mold', 7: 'wall_mold', 8: 'fillheight', 
                                    9: 'props_mold_ID', 10: 'last_update'},
              inplace = True);
# Merge mold properties table with solidification_mold table
solidification_mold = pd.merge(props_mold, solidification_mold, on = 'props_mold_ID', how = 'outer')
# Merge solidification_mold table with solidification table
solidification = pd.merge(solidification_mold, solidification, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
# Drop rows that are not associated with a sample ID
solidification = solidification[(solidification['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Merge solidification table with dataframe
data = pd.merge(solidification, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
In [13]:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sublimation')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
sublimation = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
sublimation.rename(columns={0: 'sublimation_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'sublimated', 
                           3: 'pressure_sub', 4:'time_sub', 5: 'temp_sub', 6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
sublimation = sublimation.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
sublimation = sublimation.drop('sublimation_ID', axis = 1)
# Merge sublimation table with dataframe
data = pd.merge(sublimation, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
In [14]:
# Sinter1 table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sinter_1')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
sinter_1 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
sinter_1.rename(columns={0: 'sinter_1_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'time_sinter_1', 
                         3: 'temp_sinter_1', 4: 'rampC_sinter_1', 5: 'rampH_sinter_1',
                         6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
sinter_1 = sinter_1.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
sinter_1 = sinter_1.drop('sinter_1_ID', axis = 1)
# Sinter2 table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM sinter_2')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
sinter_2 = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
sinter_2.rename(columns={0: 'sinter_2_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'time_sinter_2', 
                         3: 'temp_sinter_2', 4: 'rampC_sinter_2', 5: 'rampH_sinter_2',
                         6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
sinter_2 = sinter_2.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
sinter_2 = sinter_2.drop('sinter_2_ID', axis = 1)
# Merge sintering tables, then merge sintering table with samples table
sinter = pd.merge(sinter_1, sinter_2, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
data = pd.merge(sinter, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')

#Shrinkage table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM shrinkage')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
shrink = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
shrink.rename(columns={0: 'shrinkage_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'shrink_vol', 
                         3: 'shrink_dia', 4: 'shrink_lin', 5: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
shrink = shrink.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
shrink = shrink.drop('shrinkage_ID', axis = 1)
data = pd.merge(shrink, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')

Import microstructure and mechanical properties tables, merging each with the dataframe

In [15]:
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM microstructure')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
microstructure = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
microstructure.rename(columns={0: 'micro_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'pore_structure', 
                              3: 'porosity', 4:'spacing', 5:'pore', 6: 'wall', 
                              7: 'aspectRatio_pore', 8: 'aspectRatio_wall',
                              9: 'surface_area', 10: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
microstructure = microstructure.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
microstructure = microstructure.drop('micro_ID', axis = 1)

# Merge microstructure table with dataframe
data = pd.merge(microstructure, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
In [16]:
# Main mechanical table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM mechanical')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
mechanical = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
mechanical.rename(columns={0: 'mech_ID', 1: 'sample_ID', 2: 'shape_mech',
                          3: 'height_mech', 4: 'dia_mech', 5: 'length_mech', 
                          6: 'width_mech', 7: 'ratio_mech', 8: 'volume_mech', 
                          9: 'compressive', 10: 'flexural', 11: 'elastic', 
                          12: 'strain_rate', 13: 'crossheadspeed', 14: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);
mechanical = mechanical.drop('last_updated', axis = 1)
mechanical = mechanical.drop('mech_ID', axis = 1)

# Bulk material properties table
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM props_mech_bulk')
rows = cursor.fetchall()
mech_bulk = pd.DataFrame( [[ij for ij in i] for i in rows])
mech_bulk.rename(columns={0: 'material_ID', 1: 'name_material', 2: 'density_material_bulk',
                          3: 'compressive_bulk', 4: 'elastic_bulk', 5: 'flexural_bulk', 
                          6: 'last_updated'},
              inplace = True);

# Merge bulk mechanical and bulk material properties tables with dataframe
data = pd.merge(mechanical, data, on = 'sample_ID', how = 'outer')
data = pd.merge(data, mech_bulk, on = 'material_ID', how = 'outer')

# Drop rows that are not associated with a sample ID
data = data[(data['sample_ID']) > 0]
# Create columns for normalized mechanical values
data['norm_compressive'] = (data['compressive']/data['compressive_bulk'])
data['norm_flexural'] = (data['flexural']/data['flexural_bulk'])
data['norm_elastic'] = (data['elastic']/data['elastic_bulk'])


Function for printing number of papers corresponding to plot points

In [17]:
# define function to return number of papers for a specified figure
def printPapers(data, FigX):
    set_Papers = set(data['paper_ID'])
    num_Papers = len(set_Papers)
    print 'Number of papers', '(', FigX, '):', num_Papers

Explore variability in terms of how the freeze-casting technique is used

Print list of material types fabricated using the freeze-casting technique

In [37]:
materials = papers['material'].unique()
print materials
# Return number of array elements, which gives us the total number of unique materials
[None nan '' 'Ag' 'Ag/PDMS' 'Akr' 'Al-12Si/Al2O3' 'Al-7Si-5Cu/TiC'
 'Al-Mg-Si/Al2O3' 'Al-Si-Mg/SiC' 'Al-Si/Al2O3' 'Al/Al2O3' 'Al/TiC' 'Al2O3'
 'Al2O3/CaP' 'Al2O3/Carbon' 'Al2O3/Chitosan/Gelatin' 'Al2O3/Cu' 'Al2O3/HAP'
 'Al2O3/Mullite' 'Al2O3/PMMA' 'Al2O3/SiC' 'Al2O3/SiO2' 'Al2O3/Y-TZP'
 'Al2O3/ZrO2' 'Al2SiO5' 'AlN' 'AlON' 'AlSi12/Al2O3' 'AlSi12\x96Al2O3'
 'Alginate' 'Alginate/Chitosan' 'Apatite' 'Apatite/Collagen'
 'Au/Ag/Pd/Pt/Fe2O3/CdSe/CdS' 'Au/PS' 'B4C' 'BADCy/NiTiNb04'
 'BADCy/NiTiNbO4' 'BAS/Si3N4' 'BCP' 'BN' 'BN/Silicone' 'BT/HAP'
 'BT/Kaolinite' 'BaTiO3' 'BaTiO3/Epoxy' 'BaTiO3/HAP' 'BaTiO3/PMMA'
 'Bentonite' 'Bentonite/PVA' 'Bioglass' 'Bioglass/HAP' 'CNT' 'CNT '
 'CNTs/Chitosan' 'CP/SiO2' 'Ca2O4Si' 'Ca3ZrSi2O9' 'CaF2' 'CaP' 'CaP/PGA'
 'CaP/PLA' 'CaSiO3' 'Carbon' 'Carbon/Chitosan' 'Carbon/PVA' 'Cellulose'
 'Cellulose/PVA' 'Chitin' 'Chitosan' 'Chitosan/CNTs' 'Chitosan/Collagen'
 'Chitosan/PGA' 'Chitosan/PLGA' 'Chitosan/PLLA' 'Chitosan/PMMA'
 'Chitosan/Silk fibroin' 'Clay' 'Clay/Aerogel' 'Co3O4' 'Cocoa' 'Collagen'
 'Cordierite' 'Cr3C2' 'Cu' 'Cu/C' 'CuSiO4' 'DEAEMA' 'Dextran' 'EDMA' 'Fe'
 'Fe2O3' 'GO' 'GO/Aerogel' 'GO/SnO2' 'GaIn/PDMS' 'GaPO4' 'Gelatin'
 'Gelatin/Genipin' 'Gelatin/PLGA' 'Glass' 'Graphene' 'Graphene oxide'
 'Graphene/Aerogel' 'Graphene/Carbon' 'Graphene/Chitosan' 'Graphene/HRGO'
 'Graphene/PDMS' 'Graphene/PVA' 'Graphene/Paraffin' 'Graphene/Polystyrene'
 'Graphene/Pt/Nafion' 'Graphene/epoxy' 'HAP' 'HAP/Bioglass' 'HAP/CP'
 'HAP/Cellulose/PVA' 'HAP/Chitosan' 'HAP/Chitosan//PMMA' 'HAP/Collagen'
 'HAP/Gelatin' 'HAP/PCL' 'HAP/PMMA' 'HAP/SiO2' 'HAP/TCP' 'HAP/ZrO2'
 'Hematite' 'Kaolin' 'Kaolin/Silicate' 'Kaolinite' 'Kaolinite/SiO2' 'Kefir'
 'LSCF' 'LSCF/CGO' 'LSM/YSZ' 'Laponite' 'Latex' 'Li3V2(PO4)' 'LiFePO4/C'
 'LiFePo4/C' 'Merwinite' 'Merwinite ' 'Mg/SiC' 'MnO2' 'Mo' 'Mo/W' 'Model'
 'Mullite' 'Mullite/SiO2' 'Mullite/ZrO2' 'Nb2O5' 'Neurotrophin/Chitosan'
 'Ni' 'Ni-YSZ' 'Ni/YSZ' 'NiO-GDC' 'NiO/YSZ' 'PAN' 'PANI' 'PCL/PDDA' 'PEG'
 'PTEGDMA' 'PU' 'PVA' 'PVDF' 'PVL' 'PZT' 'Palygorskite' 'Paracetamol'
 'Paracetamol ' 'Polystyrene' 'RF' 'Resorcinol/Formaldehyde' 'Review'
 'SCMC/PVA' 'Si/Graphene' 'Si3N4' 'Si4Al2O2N6' 'SiC' 'SiC/2024Al' 'SiO2'
 'SiO2/Aerogel' 'SiO2/Al2O3' 'SiO2/Chitosan' 'SiO2/Lactose' 'SiO2/PAA'
 'SiO2/PVA' 'SiO2/Polyisobutylene' 'SiO2/TiO2' 'SiO2/Y2O3' 'SiO2/YSZ'
 'SiOC' 'Silicate' 'Silk fibroin' 'Silk fibroin  ' 'SnO2/Graphene' 'Steel'
 'Sugar' 'TCP' 'TCP/Chitosan' 'TEOS/PDAC' 'TILITE'
 'Theophyllinum/potato starch' 'Ti' 'TiO2' 'TiO2/Chitosan' 'V2O5-CNT'
 'VOPO4/Graphene' 'W' 'Y2SiO5' 'YAG' 'YAG/fiber' 'YSZ' 'YSZ/Graphene'
 'Yb2SiO5' 'ZTA' 'Zeolite' 'ZrAc' 'ZrB2' 'ZrB2-SiC' 'ZrB2/SiC' 'ZrO2'
 'ZrO2/Al' 'ZrO2/Epoxy' 'ZrO2/PMMA' '[LiNiMn]O2' 'gelatin/agarose'
 'graphene/ZrB2' 'silk fibroin/chitosan/Fe2O3']

Print list of binder and dispersant types that have been utilized

In [36]:
additives = data[['name_bind1', 'name_bind2', 'name_disp_1', 'name_disp2', 'name_cryo', 'name_surfact']].copy()
# Here, we are locating unique values thorughout the dataframe, irrespective of column value
additivesUnique = pd.unique(additives.values.ravel())
print additivesUnique
# Return number of array elements, which gives us the total number of unique additives
[nan 'NOI' 'Duramax B-1000' 'NH4PAA' 'PEG' 'PVA' 'Darvan 811'
 'Dolapix CE 64' 'Aquazol' 'citric acid' 'Dynol 604' 'HydroDisper A160'
 'sodium polyacrylate' 'check' 'Hypermer KD 4' 'glycerol' 'SND 6800' 'PS'
 'Darvan C' 'Dispex A40' 'gelatin' 'DuPont Elvanol' 'Duramax D3005'
 'Lopon 885' 'polyacrylic acid' 'C2H3CONH2' 'Darvan 821A' 'CMC'
 'Dolapix P62' 'Darvan CN' 'Texaphor 963' 'acetic acid' 'Hypemer KD'
 'sodium polymethacrylate' 'Dolapix PC33' 'Dolapix' 'Duramax' 'PVB'
 'Dolapix C64' 'Duramax HA-12' 'Fluka' 'PMMA' 'polyacrylate' 'saccharose'
 'polymethacrlate' 'Bentonite' 'duramax B0107' 'Texaphor 3250'
 'isopropanol alcohol' 'Triton X-100' 'sodium hexametaphosphate' 'agar'
 'PEG 300' 'Ammonium persulfate' 'HydroDisperser' 'urea' 'Darvan 812A'
 'PAAS' 'Darvan 7-N' 'Darvan 7' 'Ethanol'
 'ammonium polymethacrylate anionic dispersant' 'PVP'
 'poly-(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline' 'Perfad9100' 'starch'
 'Kalium polyacrylate Lopon 895' 'Duramax B-1001' 'polyethylene-imine'
 'A6114' 'AFP' 'Dolapix CA' 'Optapix PAF 60' 'SHMP' 'HCl' 'acacia' 'CTAB'
 'sodium alginate' 'Dolapix PC21' 'Prox B03' 'fish oil' 'DuramaxB-1022'
 'Stearic acid' 'BYK-163' 'isostearic acid' 'Easysperse' 'AES' 'TMAH'
 'CH10' 'NH4OH' 'HAO Fast 923' 'ethyl cellulose ethoecel' 'DXI' 'Na2O'
 'ovalbumin' 'polyvinyl pyrrolidione' 'PEI' 'Lioperse 511' 'laponite'
 'Kaocera' 'xanthan gum' 'Dolapix PC 33' 'Optapix AC112' 'sodium silicate'
 'NaOH' 'Zephrym PD' 'isomalt' 'xylitol' 'DISPERBYK-190']


Figure 1. Research growth of the freeze-casting technique as illustrated by the number of papers published in peer-reviewed journals since year 2000.

In [19]:
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
ax = fig1.add_subplot(111)
# Create variable for year papers were published; drop na values and convert the datatype to integer
b = papers['year']
b = b.dropna()
b = b.astype(int)

# create x-array for years
x = [2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 
     2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 
     2014, 2015, 2016]

# create y-array using the sum of papers published in a given year
y = [
    sum(i == 2000 for i in b), sum(i == 2001 for i in b), sum(i == 2002 for i in b),
    sum(i == 2003 for i in b), sum(i == 2004 for i in b), sum(i == 2005 for i in b),
    sum(i == 2006 for i in b), sum(i == 2007 for i in b), sum(i == 2008 for i in b),
    sum(i == 2009 for i in b), sum(i == 2010 for i in b), sum(i == 2011 for i in b),
    sum(i == 2012 for i in b), sum(i == 2013 for i in b), sum(i == 2014 for i in b),
    sum(i == 2015 for i in b), sum(i == 2016 for i in b)
# bar graph, y, alpha=0.7)
# set x and y limits
ax.set(xlim = [2000, 2017])
ax.set(ylim = [0, 200])
# tick positions and rotation
ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(2000, 2017, 1))
ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(50, 250, 50))
for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
# x and y labels
ax.set_ylabel('Number of papers published')
# minor ticks
minorLocator1 = AutoMinorLocator()

Figure 2. Locations of corresponding authors for freeze-casting literature published between the years 2000 and 2016.

In [20]:
# Uncomment lines below to either install or upgrade matplotlib basemap 
# ! pip install basemap
# ! pip install basemap --upgrade
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
fig2 = Basemap(projection = 'robin', resolution = "c", area_thresh=100000.0, lon_0 = 15, lat_0 = 0)
# If memory issues are encountered rendering the figure, reduce the scale value below
fig2.etopo(scale=0.5, alpha=0.6)
fig2.drawmeridians(np.arange(0, 360, 30), linewidth=0.8)
fig2.drawparallels(np.arange(-90, 90, 30), linewidth=0.8)
# x and y are longitude/latitude values
x,y = fig2(authors['lat'].values, authors['long'].values)
fig2.plot(x, y, '*', markersize=10, color="red")

Figure 3. Relationship between porosity and pore width, wall width, and structure wavelength.

In [39]:
porosity_micro = data[(data['porosity']) > 0]
porosity_pore = porosity_micro[(porosity_micro['pore']) > 0]
porosity_wall = porosity_micro[(porosity_micro['wall']) > 0]
porosity_spacing = porosity_micro[(porosity_micro['spacing']) > 0]
fig3 = plt.figure(figsize = (6,15))
# three subplots, vertically aligned
ax1 = fig3.add_subplot(3, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig3.add_subplot(3, 1, 2)
ax3 = fig3.add_subplot(3, 1, 3)
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()
x1 = porosity_pore['porosity']*100
x2 = porosity_wall['porosity']*100
x3 = porosity_spacing['porosity']*100
y1 = porosity_pore['pore']
y2 = porosity_wall['wall']
y3 = porosity_spacing['spacing']
ax1.set(xlim = [0, 100])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax2.set(xlim = [0, 100])
ax2.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax3.set(xlim = [0, 100])
ax3.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax1.set_ylabel('Pore width (${\mu}$m)', fontsize = 20)
ax2.set_ylabel('Wall width (${\mu}$m)', fontsize = 20)
ax3.set_ylabel('Primary spacing (${\mu}$m)', fontsize = 20)
ax3.set_xlabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'black', s = 20, edgecolor = 'none')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'black', s = 20, edgecolor = 'none')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'black', s = 20, edgecolor = 'none')
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
ax3.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 120, 20))
ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 10.0))
ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
# print number of papers corresponding to data points on each subplot
printPapers(porosity_pore, 'fig3a')
printPapers(porosity_wall, 'fig3b')
printPapers(porosity_spacing, 'fig3c')
# store paper_IDs as reference variables for each subplot
Ref_3a = porosity_pore['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_3b = porosity_wall['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_3c = porosity_spacing['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig3a ): 151
Number of papers ( fig3b ): 44
Number of papers ( fig3c ): 28

Figure 4. Point density plot showing the relationship between solid loading and porosity.

In [40]:
porosity = data[(data['porosity']) > 0]
porosity = porosity[(porosity['vf_total']) > 0]
porosity_water = porosity[(porosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
porosity_camphene = porosity[(porosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
porosity_tba = porosity[(porosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
porosity_other = porosity[(porosity['props_fluid_ID1']) > 3]

minorLocator1 = AutoMinorLocator()
minorLocator2 = AutoMinorLocator()
x = porosity['vf_total']*100
y = porosity['porosity']*100

# Calculate the point density
xy = np.vstack([x,y])
z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)

fig4, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (7,8))
ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=25, edgecolor='')
ax.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax.set_ylabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)
ax.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.%)', fontsize = 20)
printPapers(porosity, 'fig4')
Ref_4 = porosity['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig4 ): 269

Figure 5. Relationship between solid loading and porosity for the three most common fluid types: (a) water, (b) camphene, and (c) tert-butyl alcohol.

In [41]:
# Perform linear regressions based on fluid type
X1 = porosity_water['vf_total']*100
X1 = sm.add_constant(X1)
y1 = porosity_water['porosity']*100
linear_regression_porosityWater = sm.OLS(y1, X1)
fitted_model_porosityWater =
betas = np.array(fitted_model_porosityWater.params)
fitted_values_porosityWater = fitted_model_porosityWater.predict(X1)
print('water: ', fitted_model_porosityWater.params)

X2 = porosity_camphene['vf_total']*100
X2 = sm.add_constant(X2)
y2 = porosity_camphene['porosity']*100
linear_regression_porosityCamphene = sm.OLS(y2, X2)
fitted_model_porosityCamphene =
betas = np.array(fitted_model_porosityCamphene.params)
fitted_values_porosityCamphene = fitted_model_porosityCamphene.predict(X2)
print('Camphene: ', fitted_model_porosityCamphene.params)

X3 = porosity_tba['vf_total']*100
X3 = sm.add_constant(X3)
y3 = porosity_tba['porosity']*100
linear_regression_porosityTBA = sm.OLS(y3, X3)
fitted_model_porosityTBA =
betas = np.array(fitted_model_porosityTBA.params)
fitted_values_porosityTBA = fitted_model_porosityTBA.predict(X3)
print('TBA: ', fitted_model_porosityTBA.params)
('water: ', const       78.122425
vf_total    -0.698596
dtype: float64)
('Camphene: ', const       80.926954
vf_total    -1.121741
dtype: float64)
('TBA: ', const       73.261886
vf_total    -0.666201
dtype: float64)
In [42]:
fig5 = plt.figure(figsize = (10,5))
ax1 = fig5.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
ax2 = fig5.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
ax3 = fig5.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
minorLocator1 = AutoMinorLocator()
minorLocator2 = AutoMinorLocator()
x1 = porosity_water['vf_total']*100
x2 = porosity_camphene['vf_total']*100
x3 = porosity_tba['vf_total']*100
y1 = porosity_water['porosity']*100
y2 = porosity_camphene['porosity']*100
y3 = porosity_tba['porosity']*100
# add regression lines based on fits provided
fit1 = -0.727306*x1 + 78.415081
fit2 = -1.121741*x2 + 80.926954
fit3 = -0.666201*x3 + 73.261886
ax1.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax1.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax2.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax2.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax3.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax3.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax1.set_ylabel('Porosity', fontsize = 20)
ax2.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.%)', fontsize = 20)
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 10, edgecolor = 'none')
ax1.plot(x1, fit1, color = 'black')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'red', s = 10, edgecolor = 'none')
ax2.plot(x2, fit2, color = 'black')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'green', s = 10, edgecolor = 'none')
ax3.plot(x3, fit3, color = 'black')
ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 60, 10))
ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 100, 20))
ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 60, 10))
ax3.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 70, 10))            
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=0)
printPapers(porosity_water, 'fig5a')
printPapers(porosity_camphene, 'fig5b')
printPapers(porosity_tba, 'fig5c')
Ref_5a = porosity_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_5b = porosity_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_5c = porosity_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig5a ): 181
Number of papers ( fig5b ): 46
Number of papers ( fig5c ): 37

Figure 6. Matrix plot showing the relationship between solid loading and porosity based on material group and fluid type.

In [24]:
porosityCera = porosity[(porosity['material_group']) == 'Ceramic']
porosityMetal = porosity[(porosity['material_group']) == 'Metal']
porosityPoly = porosity[(porosity['material_group']) == 'Polymer']
porosityCera_water = porosityCera[(porosityCera['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
porosityCera_camphene = porosityCera[(porosityCera['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
porosityCera_TBA = porosityCera[(porosityCera['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
porosityMetal_water = porosityMetal[(porosityMetal['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
porosityMetal_camphene = porosityMetal[(porosityMetal['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
porosityMetal_TBA = porosityMetal[(porosityMetal['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
porosityPoly_water = porosityPoly[(porosityPoly['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
porosityPoly_camphene = porosityPoly[(porosityPoly['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
porosityPoly_TBA = porosityPoly[(porosityPoly['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,12))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 3)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 4)
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 5)
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 6)
ax7 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 7)
ax8 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 8)
ax9 = fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 9)
minorLocator1 = AutoMinorLocator()
minorLocator2 = AutoMinorLocator()
x1 = porosityCera_water['vf_total']*100
y1 = porosityCera_water['porosity']*100
x2 = porosityMetal_water['vf_total']*100
y2 = porosityMetal_water['porosity']*100
x3 = porosityPoly_water['vf_total']*100
y3 = porosityPoly_water['porosity']*100
x4 = porosityCera_camphene['vf_total']*100
y4 = porosityCera_camphene['porosity']*100
x5 = porosityMetal_camphene['vf_total']*100
y5 = porosityMetal_camphene['porosity']*100
x6 = porosityPoly_camphene['vf_total']*100
y6 = porosityPoly_camphene['porosity']*100
x7 = porosityCera_TBA['vf_total']*100
y7 = porosityCera_TBA['porosity']*100
x8 = porosityMetal_TBA['vf_total']*100
y8 = porosityMetal_TBA['porosity']*100
x9 = porosityPoly_TBA['vf_total']*100
y9 = porosityPoly_TBA['porosity']*100
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 10)
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'blue', s = 10)
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'blue', s = 10)
ax4.scatter(x4, y4, color = 'red', s = 10)
ax5.scatter(x5, y5, color = 'red', s = 10)
ax6.scatter(x6, y6, color = 'red', s = 10)
ax7.scatter(x7, y7, color = 'green', s = 10)
ax8.scatter(x8, y8, color = 'green', s = 10)
ax9.scatter(x9, y9, color = 'green', s = 10)
ax1.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax1.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax2.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax2.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax3.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax3.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax4.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax4.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax5.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax5.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax6.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax6.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax7.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax7.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax8.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax8.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax9.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax9.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax7.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 60, 10))
ax8.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 60, 10))
ax9.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 70, 10))
ax1.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 120, 20))
ax3.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 100, 20))
ax7.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, 100, 20))
ax3.yaxis.labelpad = 20
ax6.yaxis.labelpad = 20
ax9.yaxis.labelpad = 20
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0, hspace = 0)
ax4.set_ylabel('Porosity (%)')
ax8.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.%)')
w = ax3.set_ylabel('Water')
c = ax6.set_ylabel('Camphene')
t = ax9.set_ylabel('TBA')
printPapers(porosityCera_water, 'fig6a')
printPapers(porosityMetal_water, 'fig6b')
printPapers(porosityPoly_water, 'fig6c')
printPapers(porosityCera_camphene, 'fig6d')
printPapers(porosityMetal_camphene, 'fig6e')
printPapers(porosityPoly_camphene, 'fig6f')
printPapers(porosityCera_TBA, 'fig6g')
printPapers(porosityMetal_TBA, 'fig6h')
printPapers(porosityPoly_TBA, 'fig6i')
Ref_6a = porosityCera_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6b = porosityMetal_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6c = porosityPoly_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6d = porosityCera_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6e = porosityMetal_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6f = porosityPoly_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6g = porosityCera_TBA['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6h = porosityMetal_TBA['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_6i = porosityPoly_TBA['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig6a ): 145
Number of papers ( fig6b ): 11
Number of papers ( fig6c ): 8
Number of papers ( fig6d ): 38
Number of papers ( fig6e ): 8
Number of papers ( fig6f ): 0
Number of papers ( fig6g ): 36
Number of papers ( fig6h ): 0
Number of papers ( fig6i ): 1

Figure 7. Solid loading vs. porosity for Al2O3 freeze-cast materials.

In [44]:
# obtain data pertaining to aluminum oxide materials, only
Al2O3_porosity = porosity[(porosity['material_ID']) == 1]
x = Al2O3_porosity['vf_total']*100
y = Al2O3_porosity['porosity']*100
minorLocator1 = AutoMinorLocator()
minorLocator2 = AutoMinorLocator()
# Calculate the point density
xy = np.vstack([x,y])
z = gaussian_kde(xy)(xy)
fig7, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5,6))
ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, s=25, edgecolor='')
ax.set(xlim = [0, 60])
ax.set(ylim = [0, 100])
ax.set_ylabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)
ax.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.% Al2O3)', fontsize = 20)
printPapers(Al2O3_porosity, 'fig7')
Ref_7 = Al2O3_porosity['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig7 ): 48

Figure 8. Relationship between solid loading and pore and wall width for the three most common fluid types: (a) water, (b) camphene, and (c) tert-butyl alcohol.

In [45]:
pore = data[(data['pore']) > 0]
pore = pore[(pore['vf_total']) > 0]
wall = data[(data['wall']) > 0]
wall = wall[(wall['vf_total']) > 0]
pore_water = pore[(pore['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
pore_camphene = pore[(pore['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
pore_tba = pore[(pore['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
wall_water = wall[(wall['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
wall_camphene = wall[(wall['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
wall_tba = wall[(wall['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10,12))
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 1)
ax4 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 2)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 3)
ax5 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 4)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 5)
ax6 = fig.add_subplot(3, 2, 6)
x1 = pore_water['vf_total']*100
x2 = pore_camphene['vf_total']*100
x3 = pore_tba['vf_total']*100
y1 = pore_water['pore']
y2 = pore_camphene['pore']
y3 = pore_tba['pore']
x4 = wall_water['vf_total']*100
x5 = wall_camphene['vf_total']*100
x6 = wall_tba['vf_total']*100
y4 = wall_water['wall']
y5 = wall_camphene['wall']
y6 = wall_tba['wall']
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 10)
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'red', s = 10)
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'green', s = 10)
ax4.scatter(x4, y4, color = 'blue', s = 10)
ax5.scatter(x5, y5, color = 'red', s = 10)
ax6.scatter(x6, y6, color = 'green', s = 10)
ax1.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax2.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax2.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax3.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax3.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax4.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax4.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax5.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax5.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax6.set(xlim = [0, 50])
ax6.set(ylim = [0.1, 1000])
ax2.set_ylabel('Pore width (${\mu}$m)')
ax5.set_ylabel('Wall width (${\mu}$m)')
ax3.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.%)')
ax6.set_xlabel('Solid loading (vol.%)')
ax3.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 50, 10))
ax6.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(10, 50, 10))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.4, hspace = 0)
ax1.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 10.0))
ax4.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
ax5.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 100.0))
ax6.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(base = 10.0))
printPapers(pore_water, 'fig8a')
printPapers(pore_camphene, 'fig8b')
printPapers(pore_tba, 'fig8c')
printPapers(wall_water, 'fig8d')
printPapers(wall_camphene, 'fig8e')
printPapers(wall_tba, 'fig8f')
Ref_8a = pore_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_8b = pore_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_8c = pore_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_8d = wall_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_8e = wall_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_8f = wall_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig8a ): 118
Number of papers ( fig8b ): 28
Number of papers ( fig8c ): 23
Number of papers ( fig8d ): 36
Number of papers ( fig8e ): 5
Number of papers ( fig8f ): 6

Figure 9. Relationship between porosity and normalized compressive strength for the three most common fluid types: (blue) water, (red) camphene, and (green) tert-butyl alcohol.

In [27]:
compressPorosity = data[(data['porosity']) > 0]
compressPorosity = compressPorosity[(compressPorosity['norm_compressive']) > 0]
compressPorosity_water = compressPorosity[(compressPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
compressPorosity_camphene = compressPorosity[(compressPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
compressPorosity_tba = compressPorosity[(compressPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]
x1 = compressPorosity_water['porosity']*100
x2 = compressPorosity_camphene['porosity']*100
x3 = compressPorosity_tba['porosity']*100
y1 = compressPorosity_water['norm_compressive']
y2 = compressPorosity_camphene['norm_compressive']
y3 = compressPorosity_tba['norm_compressive']
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7,7))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()
ax1.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized compressive strength', fontsize = 20)
ax1.set_xlabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'green', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'red', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
printPapers(compressPorosity_water, 'fig9water')
printPapers(compressPorosity_camphene, 'fig9camphene')
printPapers(compressPorosity_tba, 'fig9tba')
Ref_9a = compressPorosity_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_9b = compressPorosity_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_9c = compressPorosity_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig9water ): 72
Number of papers ( fig9camphene ): 28
Number of papers ( fig9tba ): 17

Figure 10. Relationship between porosity and normalized compressive strength for the three most common fluid types: (a) water, (b) camphene, and (c) tert-butyl alcohol.

In [28]:
x1 = compressPorosity_water['porosity']*100
x2 = compressPorosity_camphene['porosity']*100
x3 = compressPorosity_tba['porosity']*100
y1 = compressPorosity_water['norm_compressive']
y2 = compressPorosity_camphene['norm_compressive']
y3 = compressPorosity_tba['norm_compressive']
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,7))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()
ax1.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax2.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax2.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax3.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax3.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized compressive strength', fontsize = 20)
ax2.set_xlabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)
ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'green', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'red', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0, hspace = 0)
ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 100, 20))
ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 100, 20))
ax3.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(20, 100, 20))
printPapers(compressPorosity_water, 'fig10a')
printPapers(compressPorosity_camphene, 'fig10b')
printPapers(compressPorosity_tba, 'fig10c')
Ref_10a = compressPorosity_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_10b = compressPorosity_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_10c = compressPorosity_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig10a ): 72
Number of papers ( fig10b ): 28
Number of papers ( fig10c ): 17

Figure 11. Relationship between sintering shrinkage and normalized compressive strength.

In [29]:
compressShrink = data[(data['norm_compressive']) > 0]
compressShrink_dia = compressShrink[(compressShrink['shrink_dia']) > 0]
compressShrink_vol = compressShrink[(compressShrink['shrink_vol']) > 0]
compressShrink_lin = compressShrink[(compressShrink['shrink_lin']) > 0]

x1 = compressShrink_dia['shrink_dia']*100
x2 = compressShrink_vol['shrink_vol']*100
x3 = compressShrink_lin['shrink_lin']*100
y1 = compressShrink_dia['norm_compressive']
y2 = compressShrink_vol['norm_compressive']
y3 = compressShrink_lin['norm_compressive']

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,7))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1)
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()

ax1.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax2.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax3.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax2.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])
ax3.set(ylim = [0.00001, 1])

ax1.set_xlabel('Shrinkage (%diameter)', fontsize = 16)
ax2.set_xlabel('Volumetric shrinkage (%)', fontsize = 16)
ax3.set_xlabel('Linear shrinkage (%)', fontsize = 16)
ax3.set_ylabel('Normalized compressive strength', fontsize = 20)

ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')

fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0, hspace = 0)
printPapers(compressShrink_dia, 'fig11a')
printPapers(compressShrink_vol, 'fig11b')
printPapers(compressShrink_lin, 'fig11c')
Ref_11a = compressShrink_dia['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_11b = compressShrink_vol['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_11c = compressShrink_lin['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig11a ): 4
Number of papers ( fig11b ): 1
Number of papers ( fig11c ): 22

Figure 12. Relationship between porosity and flexural strength for the three most common fluid types: (blue) water, (red) camphene, and (green) tert-butyl alcohol.

In [30]:
flexuralPorosity = data[(data['porosity']) > 0]
flexuralPorosity = flexuralPorosity[(flexuralPorosity['norm_flexural']) > 0]
flexuralPorosity_water = flexuralPorosity[(flexuralPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 1]
flexuralPorosity_camphene = flexuralPorosity[(flexuralPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 2]
flexuralPorosity_tba = flexuralPorosity[(flexuralPorosity['props_fluid_ID1']) == 3]

x1 = flexuralPorosity_water['porosity']*100
x2 = flexuralPorosity_camphene['porosity']*100
x3 = flexuralPorosity_tba['porosity']*100

y1 = flexuralPorosity_water['norm_flexural']
y2 = flexuralPorosity_camphene['norm_flexural']
y3 = flexuralPorosity_tba['norm_flexural']

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (7,7))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator()

ax1.set(xlim = [1, 100])
ax1.set(ylim = [0.001, 1])

ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized flexural strength', fontsize = 20)
ax1.set_xlabel('Porosity (%)', fontsize = 20)


ax1.scatter(x1, y1, color = 'blue', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax3.scatter(x3, y3, color = 'green', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')
ax2.scatter(x2, y2, color = 'red', s = 40, edgecolor = 'black')


printPapers(flexuralPorosity_water, 'fig')
printPapers(flexuralPorosity_camphene, 'fig')
printPapers(flexuralPorosity_tba, 'fig')
Ref_12a = flexuralPorosity_water['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_12b = flexuralPorosity_camphene['paper_ID'].unique()
Ref_12c = flexuralPorosity_tba['paper_ID'].unique()
Number of papers ( fig ): 6
Number of papers ( fig ): 2
Number of papers ( fig ): 2

Export dataframe to csv file

In [19]:
['sample_ID', 'shape_mech', 'height_mech', 'dia_mech', 'length_mech', 'width_mech', 'ratio_mech', 'volume_mech', 'compressive', 'flexural', 'elastic', 'strain_rate', 'crossheadspeed', 'pore_structure', 'porosity', 'spacing', 'pore', 'wall', 'aspectRatio_pore', 'aspectRatio_wall', 'surface_area', 'shrink_vol', 'shrink_dia', 'shrink_lin', 'time_sinter_1', 'temp_sinter_1', 'rampC_sinter_1', 'rampH_sinter_1', 'time_sinter_2', 'temp_sinter_2', 'rampC_sinter_2', 'rampH_sinter_2', 'sublimated', 'pressure_sub', 'time_sub', 'temp_sub', 'props_mold_ID', 'name_mold_mat', 'thermal_cond_mold', 'mold_ID', 'shape_mold', 'dia_mold', 'height_mold', 'length_mold', 'width_mold', 'wall_mold', 'fillheight', 'last_update', 'technique', 'direction', 'refrigerant', 'cooling_rate', 'temp_cold', 'temp_hot', 'temp_constant', 'gravity', 'gradient', 'velocity', 'temp_nuc', 'temp_susp', 'props_part_ID1', 'name_part1', 'description_part1', 'density_part1', 'thermal_cond_part1', 'shape_part_1', 'dia_part_1', 'diaI_part_1', 'length_part_1', 'thick_part_1', 'vf_part_1', 'props_part_ID2', 'name_part2', 'description_part2', 'density_part2', 'thermal_cond_part2', 'shape_part_2', 'dia_part_2', 'diaI_part_2', 'length_part_2', 'thick_part_2', 'vf_part_2', 'props_fluid_ID1', 'name_fluid1', 'density_liq_fluid1', 'density_sol_fluid1', 'thermal_cond_liq_fluid1', 'thermal_cond_sol_fluid1', 'vf_fluid_1', 'props_fluid_ID2', 'name_fluid2', 'density_liq_fluid2', 'density_sol_fluid2', 'thermal_cond_liq_fluid2', 'thermal_cond_sol_fluid2', 'vf_fluid_2', 'time_mill', 'pH_susp', 'viscosity_susp', 'zeta_susp', 'props_bind1_ID', 'name_bind1', 'density_bind1', 'molecular_wt_bind1', 'wf_bind_1', 'props_bind2_ID', 'name_bind2', 'density_bind2', 'molecular_wt_bind2', 'wf_bind_2', 'props_disp1_ID', 'name_disp_1', 'density_disp_1', 'molecular_wt_disp_1', 'wf_disp_1', 'props_disp2_ID', 'name_disp2', 'density_disp_2', 'molecular_wt_disp_2', 'wf_disp_2', 'props_cryo_ID', 'name_cryo', 'density_cryo', 'molecular_wt_cryo', 'wf_cryo', 'props_surfact_ID', 'name_surfact', 'density_surfact', 'molecular_wt_surfact', 'wf_surfact', 'paper_ID', 'number', 'material_ID', 'vf_total', 'particles_total', 'fluids_total', 'composite', 'author_ID', 'peer_review', 'usage', 'authors', 'title', 'journal', 'volume', 'issue', 'pages', 'year', 'doi', 'material', 'material_group', 'name_author', 'affiliation', 'city', 'country', 'long', 'lat', 'email', 'name_material', 'density_material_bulk', 'compressive_bulk', 'elastic_bulk', 'flexural_bulk', 'last_updated', 'norm_compressive', 'norm_flexural', 'norm_elastic']
In [21]:
# Create new dataframe with columns of interest - Here, we'll export the dataframe used for the interactive plotting application
dataExport = data[['paper_ID', 'peer_review', 'authors', 'title', 'journal', 'volume', 'issue', 'pages', 'year', 'doi',
                  'material', 'material_group', 'name_fluid1', 'vf_total', 'dia_part_1', 'porosity', 'spacing', 'pore', 'wall',
                  'cooling_rate', 'temp_cold', 'temp_constant', 'temp_nuc', 'velocity', 'wf_bind_1', 'wf_disp_1', 
                  'dia_mold', 'height_mold', 'shrink_vol', 'shrink_dia', 'shrink_lin', 'norm_compressive',
                  'norm_flexural', 'norm_elastic', 'compressive', 'flexural', 'elastic']].copy()

# Perform any unit conversions 
dataExport['vf_total'] = dataExport['vf_total']*100
dataExport['dia_part_1'] = dataExport['dia_part_1']*10**6
dataExport['porosity'] = dataExport['porosity']*100
dataExport['shrink_dia'] = dataExport['shrink_dia']*100
dataExport['shrink_vol'] = dataExport['shrink_vol']*100
dataExport['shrink_lin'] = dataExport['shrink_lin']*100
dataExport['wf_bind_1'] = dataExport['wf_bind_1']*100
dataExport['wf_disp_1'] = dataExport['wf_disp_1']*100
dataExport['dia_mold'] = dataExport['dia_mold']*10**3
dataExport['height_mold'] = dataExport['height_mold']*10**3
In [23]:
# View header to verify
print dataExport.head()
   paper_ID peer_review  \
0       4.0           Y   
1       4.0           Y   
2     332.0               
3     422.0               
4     422.0               

                                                                                             authors  \
0                                                                                        Ai, Tao Tao   
1                                                                                        Ai, Tao Tao   
2                                                                          Liu, Gang; Button, Tim W.   
3  Naleway, Steven E and Fickas, Kate C and Maker, Yajur N and Meyers, Marc A and McKittrick, Joanna   
4  Naleway, Steven E and Fickas, Kate C and Maker, Yajur N and Meyers, Marc A and McKittrick, Joanna   

                                                                                                   title  \
0  Preparation, microstructure and properties of zro2 gradient porous ceramics by freeze-casting process   
1  Preparation, microstructure and properties of zro2 gradient porous ceramics by freeze-casting process   
2                     The effect of particle size in freeze casting of porous alumina-zirconia composite   
3                                         Reproducibility of zro 2-based freeze casting for biomaterials   
4                                         Reproducibility of zro 2-based freeze casting for biomaterials   

                                journal  volume  issue      pages    year  \
0               Materials Science Forum   816.0    NaN    226-230  2015.0   
1               Materials Science Forum   816.0    NaN    226-230  2015.0   
2                Ceramics International    39.0    7.0  8507-8512  2013.0   
3  Materials Science and Engineering: C    61.0    NaN    105-112  2016.0   
4  Materials Science and Engineering: C    61.0    NaN    105-112  2016.0   

                                      doi    material material_group  \
0  10.4028/        ZrO2        Ceramic   
1  10.4028/        ZrO2        Ceramic   
2          10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.02.101  Al2O3/ZrO2        Ceramic   
3              10.1016/j.msec.2015.12.012        ZrO2        Ceramic   
4              10.1016/j.msec.2015.12.012        ZrO2        Ceramic   

  name_fluid1  vf_total  dia_part_1  porosity  spacing  pore  wall  \
0       water     16.07       60.00       NaN      NaN   NaN   NaN   
1       water     16.07       60.00     56.79      NaN  50.0   NaN   
2       water     11.00        0.70     76.00      NaN   NaN   NaN   
3       water     15.00        0.35       NaN      NaN  55.2   5.1   
4       water     15.00        0.35       NaN      NaN  55.2   5.1   

   cooling_rate  temp_cold  temp_constant  temp_nuc  velocity  wf_bind_1  \
0           0.0      243.0          243.0       NaN       NaN        NaN   
1           0.0      243.0          243.0       NaN       NaN        NaN   
2           0.0        NaN            NaN       NaN     110.0        3.0   
3          10.0        NaN            NaN       NaN       NaN        1.0   
4          10.0        NaN            NaN       NaN       NaN        1.0   

   wf_disp_1  dia_mold  height_mold  shrink_vol  shrink_dia  shrink_lin  \
0       2.60      30.0         45.0         NaN         NaN         NaN   
1       2.60      30.0         45.0         NaN         NaN         NaN   
2       0.65      12.0         13.5         NaN        13.3        21.8   
3       1.00      40.0          NaN         NaN         NaN         NaN   
4       1.00      40.0          NaN         NaN         NaN         NaN   

   norm_compressive  norm_flexural  norm_elastic  compressive  flexural  \
0          0.001453            NaN           NaN         4.36       NaN   
1          0.002753            NaN           NaN         8.26       NaN   
2          0.000567            NaN           NaN         1.70       NaN   
3          0.050200            NaN      0.012318       150.60       NaN   
4          0.043533            NaN      0.012818       130.60       NaN   

0      NaN  
1      NaN  
2      NaN  
3   2710.0  
4   2820.0  
In [25]:
# Export dataframe to csv


Define function to print citation for figures. To utilize, run, "Refs(Ref_x)," replacing "x" with the figure number. Since the reference lists are large, here, we will just print reference numbers (paper_IDs) that correspond to data points within the figures.

In [33]:
references = data
references['paper_ID'] = references['paper_ID'].astype('int')
references = references.set_index('paper_ID')
authors = references['authors']
year = references['year'].astype('int')
doi = references['doi']
journal = references['journal']
volume = references['volume']
issue = references['issue']
title = references['title']
pages = references['pages']
references['citation'] = (, sep = ' (')
    title, sep = '). "'), sep = '." ')
    volume.astype(str), sep = ', '), sep = '(')
    pages, sep = '), '), sep = '. doi: '))

def Refs(index):
    for i in references.index:
        return (references.loc[index,'citation'])
In [34]:
print 'Fig3a', Ref_3a
Fig3a [   4.  190.    8.   14.  114.  781.  260.  128.   50.   84.  725.  303.
  601.  161.  129.  126.   27.  377.  514.  806.  130.   48.  236.  233.
  160.  159.  281.  575.  297.  315.  282.  283.  775.  383.   54.   53.
  607.   46.  754.  603.  391.  326.   25.  489.  518.  394.  588.  511.
  185.  760.  635.  590.  726.  811.   20.  162.  801.  290.  469.  349.
  144.  133.  136.  387.  420.  779.  385.   51.  250.  721.  722.  247.
   55.  311.  249.  772.  702.  174.  690.  170.  496.  191.  564.  120.
  121.  119.  223.  222.  220.  221.  555.  208.  805.  481.  225.  273.
  557.   26.  482.  556.  691.  730.  587.  263.  261.  296.  344.  766.
  213.  350.  131.  351.   71.  142.  728.  610.  116.  764.  214.  215.
  212.   95.  459.  302.  630.  141.  259.  312.  745.  767.  718.  134.
  719.   59.   58.  825.  515.  460.  676.   97.  244.  147.  543.  823.
  552.  636.  813.  665.   63.  424.  378.]
In [35]:
print 'Figure 4: ', Ref_4
Figure 4:  [   4.  332.  190.    8.  668.   14.  714.  114.  790.  781.  780.  749.
  750.  255.  260.  620.  808.  127.  128.  589.   50.  293.   84.  725.
   77.  729.  230.  389.  303.  601.  161.   15.  807.  129.  705.  778.
  806.  803.  126.   27.  377.  514.  130.  747.  746.  233.  160.  159.
  281.  283.  559.  541.  297.  325.  372.  575.  315.  103.  335.  173.
  775.  773.  328.  383.  239.  319.  321.   54.   53.  708.   46.  658.
   24.   36.  326.  754.  603.  391.  314.   25.   42.  323.  682.  489.
  518.  232.  394.  771.  309.  132.  511.  226.  777.  618.  185.  760.
  752.  635.  755.  569.  619.  577.  590.  726.  615.  731.  811.  393.
  817.    6.    9.   10.   11.   20.  162.  804.  584.  801.  560.  420.
  136.  605.  419.  395.  144.  290.  469.  349.  133.  387.  576.  275.
   51.  250.  724.  721.  722.  810.  118.  251.  247.  311.  249.  701.
  695.  702.  694.  175.  693.  174.  690.  170.  304.  770.  792.  496.
  181.  425.  191.  192.  564.  748.  120.  121.  119.  223.  222.  221.
  555.  186.  805.  207.  187.  208.  685.  583.  481.  225.  273.  557.
   26.  482.  556.  333.  691.  229.  730.  587.  139.   91.  261.  263.
  298.  296.  294.  344.  343.  766.  765.  213.  769.  670.  308.  350.
  131.  351.  567.   71.  785.  558.  728.  609.  610.  116.  764.  183.
  214.  215.  212.  686.   95.  145.  459.  302.  630.  608.  141.  259.
  672.  312.  745.  768.  767.  718.  720.  137.  134.  719.  530.   59.
   68.   58.  677.  339.  825.  516.  515.  922.  460.  148.  663.  676.
   33.   97.  147.  543.  823.  552.  178.  813.  665.  528.   63.  424.
  427.  428.  882.  378.  881.]
In [36]:
print 'Figure 5a', Ref_5a
print 'Figure 5b', Ref_5b
print 'Figure 5c', Ref_5c
Figure 5a [   4.  332.  190.    8.   14.  114.  790.  781.  780.  749.  750.  255.
  620.  808.  127.  128.   50.   84.   77.  230.  389.  303.  601.  161.
   15.  807.  129.  705.  778.  806.  803.  126.   27.  377.  514.  130.
  747.  746.  160.  159.  281.  283.  559.  541.  325.  575.  335.  173.
  775.  773.  328.  239.  319.  321.  708.   46.  658.   24.   36.  326.
  754.  603.  391.  314.   25.   42.  323.  489.  518.  232.  771.  132.
  511.  226.  777.  618.  185.  752.  635.  755.  569.  619.  731.  615.
  811.  817.    6.   20.  162.  804.  584.  801.  136.  605.  419.  144.
  290.  469.  349.  133.  387.   51.  721.  118.  311.  770.  792.  496.
  181.  425.  191.  192.  564.  748.  120.  121.  119.  223.  555.  805.
  583.  557.   26.  556.  333.  691.  229.  730.  139.   91.  766.  765.
  769.  670.  131.  567.   71.  785.  558.  609.  610.  764.  145.  459.
  302.  630.  608.  141.  259.  672.  768.  767.  718.  720.  137.  134.
  719.  530.   59.   68.  677.  339.  825.  516.  515.  922.  460.  148.
  663.  676.   33.  147.  543.  823.  178.  665.  528.   63.  427.  428.
Figure 5b [ 589.  293.  725.  729.  372.  103.  383.  377.  682.  394.  760.  577.
  726.  615.  393.    9.   11.  560.  395.  387.  576.  275.  250.  724.
  722.  810.  251.  247.  249.  304.  186.  207.  187.  208.  273.  587.
  261.  263.  350.  351.  728.  214.  215.  212.   97.  552.]
Figure 5c [ 714.  260.  297.  315.   54.   53.  309.  590.  615.  701.  695.  702.
  694.  175.  693.  174.  690.  170.  222.  221.  685.  583.  481.  225.
  482.  298.  296.  294.  344.  343.  213.  308.  183.  686.   95.  312.
In [37]:
print 'Figure 6a', Ref_6a
print 'Figure 6b', Ref_6b
print 'Figure 6c', Ref_6c
print 'Figure 6d', Ref_6d
print 'Figure 6e', Ref_6e
print 'Figure 6f', Ref_6f
print 'Figure 6g', Ref_6g
print 'Figure 6h', Ref_6h
print 'Figure 6i', Ref_6i
Figure 6a [   4.  332.   14.  114.  790.  781.  780.  749.  750.  255.  620.  808.
  127.  128.   50.   84.   77.  230.  389.  161.  807.  129.  705.  778.
  806.  803.  126.   27.  377.  514.  130.  160.  159.  541.  325.  335.
  173.  775.  773.  328.  239.  319.  321.  708.  658.   24.   36.  326.
  391.  314.   25.   42.  323.  489.  518.  232.  771.  132.  511.  226.
  777.  618.  185.  752.  635.  755.  569.  619.  731.  615.  811.  817.
    6.   20.  162.  804.  584.  801.  136.  605.  419.  144.  290.  469.
  349.  133.  387.  181.  425.  191.  192.  564.  748.  120.  121.  119.
  223.  555.  805.  583.  557.   26.  556.  333.  691.  229.  730.  139.
   91.  766.  765.  769.  670.  131.  567.   71.  785.  558.  609.  610.
  764.  145.  459.  302.  630.  608.  141.  259.  672.  768.  767.  718.
  720.  137.  134.  719.   59.   68.  677.  339.  148.  663.   33.  543.
Figure 6b [  51.  721.  118.  311.  530.  825.  516.  515.  460.  147.  528.]
Figure 6c [   8.  770.  792.  496.  823.  178.  665.   63.]
Figure 6d [ 589.  293.  725.  729.  372.  103.  383.  377.  682.  394.  760.  577.
  726.  615.  393.    9.   11.  560.  395.  387.  576.  275.  304.  186.
  207.  187.  208.  273.  587.  261.  263.  350.  351.  728.  214.  215.
  212.   97.]
Figure 6e [ 250.  724.  722.  810.  251.  247.  249.  552.]
Figure 6f []
Figure 6g [ 714.  260.  297.  315.   54.   53.  309.  590.  615.  701.  695.  702.
  694.  175.  693.  174.  690.  170.  222.  221.  685.  583.  481.  225.
  482.  298.  296.  294.  344.  343.  213.  308.  183.  686.   95.  312.]
Figure 6h []
Figure 6i [ 424.]
In [38]:
print 'Figure 7', Ref_7
Figure 7 [ 232.  394.  771.  309.  132.  511.  226.  777.  618.  185.  760.  752.
  635.  755.  569.  619.  577.  590.  726.  615.  731.  811.  393.  817.
    6.    9.   10.   11.   20.  162.  804.  584.  801.  560.  420.  136.
  605.  419.  395.  144.  290.  469.  349.  133.  387.  190.  576.  275.]
In [39]:
print 'Figure 8a', Ref_8a
print 'Figure 8b', Ref_8b
print 'Figure 8c', Ref_8c
print 'Figure 8d', Ref_8d
print 'Figure 8e', Ref_8e
print 'Figure 8f', Ref_8f
Figure 8a [   4.  422.  421.  190.  423.    8.   14.  114.  781.  128.   50.   84.
  303.  601.  161.  129.  126.   27.  377.  514.  806.  130.  721.  160.
  159.  281.  575.  283.  775.   46.  739.  754.  603.  391.  549.   43.
  326.   25.  489.  649.  518.  820.  511.  185.  635.  811.   20.  162.
  801.  471.  290.  469.  349.  144.  133.  136.  387.  789.  470.  500.
  776.  526.   51.  311.    2.  496.  816.  191.  564.  120.  121.  119.
  223.  555.  805.  557.   26.  812.  556.  833.  691.  730.  652.  766.
  131.   71.  645.  610.  138.  417.  764.    1.  184.  459.  302.  630.
  141.  259.  767.  718.  134.  719.   16.   59.  268.  825.  515.  460.
  548.  676.  147.  543.   57.  122.  823.  713.  665.   63.]
Figure 8b [ 723.  725.  383.  727.  377.  394.  760.  726.  396.  560.  387.  250.
  722.  247.  249.  208.  273.  587.  263.  261.  350.  351.  728.  214.
  215.  212.   97.  552.]
Figure 8c [ 260.  714.  297.  315.   54.   53.  590.  702.  174.  690.  170.  222.
  221.  481.  225.  482.  652.  296.  344.  213.   95.  608.  312.]
Figure 8d [ 422.  423.   14.  303.   15.  126.  335.  775.  699.  549.   43.  326.
   42.  489.  820.  811.  470.  500.  776.  721.  120.  121.  119.  555.
  557.   26.  417.  406.  141.  259.  530.  825.  460.  543.  713.   63.]
Figure 8e [ 383.  394.  263.  261.  552.]
Figure 8f [ 714.  297.   54.   53.  690.  296.]
In [40]:
print 'Figure 9a', Ref_9a
print 'Figure 9b', Ref_9b
print 'Figure 9c', Ref_9c
Figure 9a [   4.  332.   14.   85.  114.  790.  781.  780.  749.  750.  255.  620.
  808.  127.  128.   50.   84.   77.  230.  389.  303.  601.  161.   25.
   42.  323.  489.  232.  771.  632.  132.  511.  226.  777.  618.  185.
  752.  635.  755.  569.  619.  731.  615.  811.  817.   51.  721.  772.
  181.  191.  192.  564.  748.  120.  121.  223.  555.  805.  333.  730.
  139.   91.  131.  785.  142.  558.  141.  143.  703.  259.  809.  148.]
Figure 9b [ 589.  293.  725.  729.  684.  682.  683.  394.  588.  760.  726.  615.
  393.  250.  724.  722.  810.  186.  207.  187.  208.  587.  261.  263.
  350.  351.  728.  214.]
Figure 9c [ 714.  260.   45.  309.  615.  701.  695.  222.  220.  221.  298.  296.
  712.  294.  344.  686.   95.]
In [41]:
print 'Figure 10a', Ref_10a
print 'Figure 10b', Ref_10b
print 'Figure 10c', Ref_10c
Figure 10a [   4.  332.   14.   85.  114.  790.  781.  780.  749.  750.  255.  620.
  808.  127.  128.   50.   84.   77.  230.  389.  303.  601.  161.   25.
   42.  323.  489.  232.  771.  632.  132.  511.  226.  777.  618.  185.
  752.  635.  755.  569.  619.  731.  615.  811.  817.   51.  721.  772.
  181.  191.  192.  564.  748.  120.  121.  223.  555.  805.  333.  730.
  139.   91.  131.  785.  142.  558.  141.  143.  703.  259.  809.  148.]
Figure 10b [ 589.  293.  725.  729.  684.  682.  683.  394.  588.  760.  726.  615.
  393.  250.  724.  722.  810.  186.  207.  187.  208.  587.  261.  263.
  350.  351.  728.  214.]
Figure 10c [ 714.  260.   45.  309.  615.  701.  695.  222.  220.  221.  298.  296.
  712.  294.  344.  686.   95.]
In [42]:
print 'Figure 11a', Ref_11a
print 'Figure 11b', Ref_11b
print 'Figure 11c', Ref_11c
Figure 11a [ 332.  749.  114.  750.]
Figure 11b [ 181.]
Figure 11c [ 332.  749.  114.  750.  255.  260.  729.  132.  701.  181.  257.  220.
  333.  139.   91.  261.  298.  652.  296.  712.  294.  686.]
In [43]:
print 'Figure 12a', Ref_12a
print 'Figure 12b', Ref_12b
print 'Figure 12c', Ref_12c
Figure 12a [ 567.  672.  716.  768.  767.   59.]
Figure 12b [ 577.  215.]
Figure 12c [ 590.  312.]


In [47]:
%load_ext version_information
%reload_ext version_information

%version_information numpy, scipy, matplotlib
The version_information extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext version_information
Python2.7.12 32bit [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
OSWindows 10 10.0.14393
Tue Jan 03 20:50:27 2017 Central Standard Time
In [ ]: